我們非常重視使用者的隱私權及個人資料的保護。本隱私政策說明了ATOM AI如何處理及保護使用者的個人資料。


當您使用ATOM AI的服務時,我們可能會收集以下類型的個人資料:

這些資料將用來提供、維護及改善ATOM AI的服務,包含內部研發及功能測試。我們不會將收集的個人資料用於其他用途。


ATOM AI使用各項安全技術及程序來保護使用者的個人資料,以防未經授權的存取或使用。我們會嚴格限制公司內部存取使用者個人資料的人員。






為了維持 transparency,我們會不定期更新隱私政策,並會在政策有任何重大變更時通知使用者。


如果對ATOM AI的隱私政策有任何疑問,歡迎隨時聯絡我們。

ATOM AI Privacy Policy

We highly value the privacy rights and protection of users' personal data. This privacy policy describes how ATOM AI handles and protects users' personal data.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

When you use ATOM AI's services, we may collect the following types of personal data:

This data will be used to provide, maintain and improve ATOM AI's services, including internal research and development and feature testing. We will not use the collected personal data for other purposes.

Protection of Personal Data

ATOM AI uses various security technologies and procedures to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access or use. We strictly limit internal access to users' personal data within the company.

If user personal data needs to be provided due to business changes such as mergers and acquisitions, we will notify users in advance and provide the option to opt out.

Data Storage and Retention

Users' personal data will be stored on secure servers. We also regularly back up data to ensure security.

We will only retain users' personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by law. Users can request the deletion of personal data at any time.

Policy Updates

To maintain transparency, we will update the privacy policy periodically and notify users of any significant changes to the policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about ATOM AI's privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at any time.